Friday, August 21, 2009


The biological definition of living is to posses and exert energy in some form. But the phrase “to live” means much more to humans. To live is to experience, to feel, to think, to smell, to taste, to live is so much more than just energy. But only the living can be vulnerable, the dead are always stable. The condition of being human is to be vulnerable. Humans are cautious but reckless, unsure but omniscient, and sad and happy. We as the human race suffer from insecurity. We as a whole do not know our part. In other species such as ants, each individual ant to born to do a job. There is no choice in selection. But humans have choices. Anyone can grow up and be anything. There are no limitations. One would figure that this would make us happy because surely the worker ant cannot be happy knowing he can never move up in ranks. But in fact this only makes us confused. We are constantly questioning ourselves, asking what could have been. It is the human dilemma. Our freedom is actually our slavery. We are chained to the what ifs in life. We all have regrets or things we would like to do over and most of the time these things overshadow our accomplishments. A person can become a very successful family man and ask well what if I stayed in school. Our freedom is our torture in many cases. Humans, though the most evolved species also have the most primitive brains. We do not know what we want. Dogs on the other hand know exactly what they need and try to get it.

We are all born with one brain, two eyes, two ears, one mouth, two hands, ten fingers, two legs and ten toes, but then why are we so different. If we look at every person on the planet, we are all born with all the same parts, (for the most part) but yet not two of us are the same. There are twins that may look the same, but there are not two people that are exactly alike. It is because life is just a series of reactions. We are born with certain characteristics and some likes and dislikes, but most other things are learned. What shapes us are our reactions to events and other people the way we react to our society’s laws and customs and the way we choose to act due to these reactions. Humans are like jello poured into molds. We are molded by our surroundings. Surrounding that for the most part we don’t choose. Think about when we were about to enter school. Is it our choice where we go, who teaches us, or even if we go at all? No it is not. It is our parent’s choice. At perhaps the most impressionable age, we do not choose who we are, that choice is made for us. And for the most part the choice that our parents make is not in their own will either. It will usually revolve around money or jobs. In the end, we nor our parents control who we are because we are shaped by a series of events and reactions to those events to maintain or better the status quoi.

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